From where the alien sails, through the sea of Sulu or the beaches of Zamboanga, him, the Filipino Marine tails. The enemy conceals his trails on the jungles of Lamitan or the hills of Tugas. At his flanks, the Filipino Marine scales.
With subtleness and speed, the invader lands. With maneuver and firepower, the terrorist conquers. On the summit of his success, the enemy sits Right between his eyes, the Filipino Marine hits.
José Miguel García
_____________________________________________________________ Note: The Filipino defense system is under attack by viruses. It has been and is continually being corrupted by: collaboration with foreigners commiting incursions in or occupying our territory which violates our national integrity and sovereignty; being oriented towards dependence on American technology, high technology gadgets and other imported and economically unsustainable, causing atrophy on creativity and toughness; attacking brother Filipinos resisting GMA handing over of our economic resources and strategically valuable assets which are acts of treason. As the Americans have transmitted into our system, the Heredity Injuring Virus when they invaded us in 1899, our different systems have been infected and the infection replicated from one generation to the next. The Filipino Marine is not exempted from being the target of such developmental viral invasion-- a prime target of the American transmission of the HIV. It is attached within our system so that it can unnoticably alter our character we acquired from our forefathers who laid the foundations of our national character and resisted the American invaders. From that of the original and organic nationalistic character, we have been transformed to that of worshipping dependents of the American invaders. At our present stage, our nation thru our defense system has already been manifesting the Alienated Identity and Defense Syndrome. The symptoms are a defense system oriented towards attacking the self- the countrymen (counterinsurgency-autoimmune) and defending the non-self or the foreign invaders. Let us hope that there is still a Filipino national identity that can still be recovered from which we the Filipino civilians among us could still find a big brother to protect us in our long and perilous journey to return to our own inherited home-- Filipinas.
Interview of Gen Vo Nguyen Giap, the Vietnamese Strategist who defeated the mighty invading American Forces. It was primarily his nationalism that was the foundation of his strategies.
This is an account of how the Vietnamese maintained its inherited dignity and sovereignty by the way they responded to Chinese invasion. Having similarity with this particular situational aspect, this can serve as a valuable lesson and model for us in general. It has also a military value.
OUR WHOLESOME INHERITANCE f1 This was just one of the external products of our beautiful national genetic code generating from what we had inside. We inherited this code when we, with our consolidated people and archipelago were born as a nation out of the womb of mother Spain in 1898.(1)
It was a golden era of quality stock of people with good fruits flowing out of our productive hands: quality rural and urban development; our own Constitución Política de Malolos "with the most progressive ideas of autonomous and self-governing local communities, unmatched even today."; our own Academia Militar; our own agricultural system; and our own direction towards maturity correcting whateverdefects and imbalances in our character.(2)(3)
But the americans invaded us in 1899. We defended fiercely our beautiful stock, our dignity as a nation. In order to force the warriors among us to surrender, the americans held hostage our families and neighbors and brought them out of our barrios to a zero sanitation reconcentration camps. By the time many of us surrendered, 500,000 to 900,000 of us died.(4)(5) It was our national developmental code that regulated our national behavior. This is the code of excellence inherent in our embryonic formation which manifested during our birth as a nation, by our having a filipino national identity, by our development of our systems, our unity, our nationalism and how with so little and inspite of the tremendous injuries inflicted on us, we defended our nation against the invasion of an overwhelmingly superior aggressor. Severely weakened, the americans transmitted into our different systems including defense, education,economic, and political, a developmental program which would apparently be our own but with artificial american manipulation and subtleness, transformed us into worshipping dependents of the americans. They distorted our very own history.
Our attempts at consolidation of control of whatever resources that were still remaining in our possession, were frustrated. We lost control of our resources and our economic situation to the opportunistic chinese invasion in the 1900s because they were given protection by the americans.(6)(7)(8)(9)910)All these prolonged assaults on our physical integrity, and national sovereignty and dignity by foreigners took a heavy toll on the very structure of our national developmental code. Our national identity and dignity was severely injured. Our beautiful stock was corrupted. We became submissive to their will.
Having lost our national identity and dignity, like a rape victim, we became alienated from our inherited nation. We began to despise ourselves as a nation and have been reduced to surviving individuals. We threw our wastes on our very own rivers and stole from our very own people. We have taken advantage of each other over our national resources and handed them over to our foreign invaders who provided us with what satisfies our flesh and what satisfies us, as individuals.
Only when we become aware that we have an inheritanceand how and where it wastaken, can we recover our national identity. Only then, can we recover our beautiful stock.Onlythen can we recover our national genetic code and regenerate once more our beautiful stock from which development of not only the once glorious Manila will again spring, but our once glorious Filipinas.
References: 1. CORPUZ, Onofre D., 1989, 'Roots of the Filipino Nation, Vol. 1', Quezon City, Philippines: Aklahi Foundation, Inc., X, XI, 5. 2. CORPUZ, Onofre D., 1989, 'Keeping the Spirit of 1896 Alive' in Hector Santos, ed., Philippine Centenial Series, at Quezon City, Philippines: Aklahi Foundation, Inc., X, XI, 5. 3. AGONCILLO, Teodoro A., 1990. 'History of the Filipino People', Garotech Publishing, 117 2nd St., Bitoon Circle, commonwealth, Quezon City. 200-210. 4. GRAY, Heather, Nov. 17, 2003. 'Resistance to US Military Occupation: The Case of the Philippines, 5. CORPUZ, Onofre D., 1989, 'Roots of the Filipino Nation, Vol. 2', Quezon City, Philippines: Aklahi Foundation, Inc., 483, 566. 6. TAN, Antonio, 'The Chinese in the Philippines, A Study of National Awakenings 1898-1935, 1892-183 7. Editorial, The Tribune, June 5, 1926 8. FILIPINAS FOUNDATION INC., 1975, 'Philippine Majority-Minority Relations and Ethnic attitudes, An In-Depth Study', 89 9. McBEATH, 'Political Integration of the Philippine Chinese', 34, 36-37 10. AGPALO, Remegio E., 'The Political Process and the Nationalization of Retail Trade in the Philippines', 103, 131, 193-218 Photo Courtesies: f1. posted by Animo, f2. posted by Animo, f3. posted by Animo, f4. La Solidaridad Blog, "La Bella Filipina" painting by Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo,
A view of the origin of the marine from a historical perspective.
The word, marine was used for forces of England and United States. However, the word marine comes from the latin- marinus, from mare- sea. And the word navy comes from latin navigia- ships. The word marine, which is the reason why navy was made by man, is therefor more basic than the word navy. Thus the word navy was not the name of the branch of service where ships are used in many European countries such as Spanish, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Swedish and Norwegian. The term- marine, as used by the English and the Americans does not exist in many other languages. The equivalents are called naval infantry or navy infantry (e.g., as in Spain, Germany, and Russia) or coastal infantry.
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We areinside our house. We inherited it from our parents. It's roof is colored green. The day is so hot. The engine exhaust fumes from vehicles passing through the busy street outside is irritating to our lung passages. Moreover, our child is sick and in bed. So he needs to have his room in the proper condition if he is to recover. We turn on the air conditioner. Inside, the house is dark. We need enough light to see adequately in reading, cooking and other activities for living. We turn on the electric light. The power consumption cost is high. Our present income can not catch up with the cost of our economic requirements. We need to earn more if we are to sustain such requirements for the continuation of life of our family. Unfortunately, with our present capability to earn, we can only do so much.
Then an opportunity comes for us to earn extra. However, there is a cost in exchange. The extra income we will get, will result to an extra loss of resources to sustain requirements for the continuation of life of someone else and his family. We have to make a choice. Will it be his and the life of his family, or ours?
The bigger radius situation-- gain or loss of life for us, for the other, of for both, is the consequence of that choice. The choice we make, is the product of our ethical values, in response to the smaller radius situation-- the need to earn more, which is economic. This is economic situation, is the consequence of our economic response-- utilize artificial devices to our original situation-- need to reduce temperature, air pollution, and increase light which are biological, inside our house-- environmental response, which is a consequence of our inheritance of our behavior and our house-- social.
We have been living inside this house since we were children ourselves. This has been the system of our parents. Why should we change it? Is this not all a matter of economics?
We needed to have an extra income because of the cost of power consumption. It is daytime. So why do we need to use an electric light when it is daytime? What about the sunlight? It could only be because our house does not permit entry of natural light. It is because it has been built according to a design that has walls that does not have openings to let in light from outside. Why do we also need to use airconditioner? Do we not have air from outside? Do we not have trees to shield our house from heat and to bring in more oxygen? Do we not know that no colors which is black and dark colors including green absorb heat which bring in more heat to our house? Do we not know that all colors which is white, and bright colors including yellow and orange reflect heat? These are what nature does. But we have isolated ourselves from it inside a very artificial structure which we have just inherited.
However, if we are only sensitive to the situation outside our house-- the sunlight, the air, the plants and all of nature including the people around us, we will realize that it is less of economics and more of environmental and how we relate to it, that should be the subjects of our choices. Then we can see that our original situation-- need to reduce temperature, air pollution, and increase light which are biological, inside our house, is an environmental problem which can be addressed by a scientific response. This is being in communion with nature. It is a matter of designing the house with more sides facing outside which allows more window openings for cross flow of air and entry of light from the outside. It is a matter of raising the pitch of the roof with vent on the outside, installing insullation and having the roof surface colored with bright color like orange to allow hot air to go up and out, block heat from the roof surface and reflect heat from outside. It is a matter of planting more trees and bushes to filter heat and engine exhaust fumes. It is also a matter of developing an environment where vehicular needs are reduced and pedestrian traffic is facilitated. This has a high initial cost but low maintance in the long run. We canot after all, make a choice by ourself.
This is possible if there is a socialized housing project with the aforementioned design. This is possible if there is enough horizontal real estate area available to accomodate area for buildings that will have at least four corners to accomodate more wall surface facing outside to receive natural air and light as well as more spaces for trees. This is possible if there is an organized holistic blueprint for the area concerned. This is possible if social behavior of the area concerned is adaptable to an ecologically sustainable system. It is social behavior at the end that determines the implementation of any economic and scientific solutions to a situation. Incidentally, this system reduces use of substances which contribute to climate change. The details of climate change issues have not even been presented. Yet it can be observed that no matter how thorough and sound are our systems blue print as we have already seen from what Arch. Palafox has revealed, they have not been implemeted. It is the behavior of those who are supposed to implement that is the factor needed. Who are those who are supposed to implement any system for the proper function of a society? All of us.
But we have not been able to do it for generations, how then can we expect ourselves to be able to do it this time? As shown, responsiveness to nature will be the force within us to move us to be in harmony with outside of our self. The force that will move us is not intellectual, but emotional. It is the force that moves us to do stupid things as forgoing our own needs for the sake of others. This is love. This is consistent with being responsive to nature. It is because the ultimate source of nature-- the cause of everything, is God. Then we should believe in his words. If we are to believe in his words, we then should believe in the scriptures and every manifestation of his works. How are we to know which among the many scriptures and events we percieve are that of God? By being sensitive to nature, being humble and loving outside of ourselves, we will be able to perceive him. Only then can we realize that what the scripture says that his 1st commandment that we love God with all our mind, with all our strength, and with all our being, is indeed the only reference point for the ethical values mentioned earlier. His 2nd commandment that we love others as ourself is related to his 1st.
As mentioned earlier, whether we are a powerful government official, a billionaire, a lowly employee, a peasant or an under employed or a jobless individual, we cannot do it on our own. We are just too weak to feel naked.
We inherited these characteristics from our first parents as mentioned in the scripture. It says that when our first parents who were naked in paradise got infected by sin, they begun to make clothes. That was the start of our materialism. When God asked Adam, one of our first parents where he had been because God has been looking for him. To which Adam answered that he hid from God because he was naked. God responded saying, "Naked? Who told you that you are naked? Have you eaten the fruit of the tree I forbade you to eat?" God knew that Adam had disobeyed his commandment because he saw the consequences of Adam not having followed something he instructed. True enough, the consequence was the degeneration into being unable to live without anything due to the loss of communion with God-- the ultimate source of nature. 3, 4 Communion with the ultimate source of nature and his two greatest commandments are the basis for our living and our ethical values. As these become part of our own genetic code, we begin to act and lose if need be, to make our environment less painful and more pleasant to live in for others.
Jose Torres Bugallon, great military strategist in the Filipino-American War, was born on August 28, 1873 in Salasa (now Bugallon), Pangasinan to Jose Asas Bugallon. His father came from Baliwag, Bulakan; his mother was of the well-known Gonzales family of Pangasinan.
After elementary schooling in Salasa, he went to San Isidro.
Nueva Ecija where he completed in 1882 the first and second years of the secondary course under Don Rufino Villaruz. In 1886, he enrolled at the Colegio de San Juan de Letran, completed the secondary course and earned the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1889, with high scholastic ratings.
After his graduation he entered the Seminary of San Carlos with the intention of becoming a priest although his real love was the military. Having passed the validation examination given by the Spanish government in 1892, he went abroad as a pensionado of the government to the world-famed Military Academy at Toledo, Spain where he spent three years of concentrated study in the science of military organization and warfare.
In 1896, he graduated as 2nd Lieutenant. Upon his return to the Philippines that same year, he joined and served with the 70th Infantry Regiment of the Spanish Army. He fought several battles and after the battle of Talisay on May 30, 1897, he was promoted to Captain. He was also awarded the coveted Cross of Maria Cristina and the Red Cross for Military Honor (Cruz Roja del Merito Militar). After the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898, and the cessation of hostilities, he obtained his clearance papers.
At that time, General Antonio Luna urgently needed instructors for the training of officers in the European art of warfare at Malolos, Bulacan. Jose joined General Luna's staff as aide-de-camp and recruitment officer for Spanish war veterans. A well-trained military officer, he was very instrumental in the reorganization and discipline of the Filipino Army. This made him an invaluable officer to General Luna.
On February 5, 1899, Bugallon was in command of the heavily defended frontline at La Loma. The American troops under General Arthur MacArthur attacked this defense sector. In the thick of battle, the Filipino forces were outflanked, exposing Torres Bugallon to the superior firepower of the enemy. He was hit by a bullet in the thighs.
Upon learning from Lt. Colonel Queri, that Bugallon was wounded, General Luna ordered: "Bugallon wounded. Order forward. He must be saved at all costs. Bugallon is worth 500 Filipino soldiers. He is one of my hopes for future victory."
General Luna found him severely wounded and prostrate in a ditch at the side of the road. All that he could utter was "My ... don't expose yourself so much. Don't advance any farther."
For galiantry in action he was honored with the regalia befitting his heroism, promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and pinned with a medal worth his military valor. Lt. Colonel Bugallon was withdrawn from the frontlines by Commander Hernando, and General Luna himself, who took him to the Kalookan medical station where he was given first aid by Dr. Jose Luna and Santiago Barcelona. By train, he was rushed by General
Luna to Malolos for hospitalization. Somewhere after Lolomboy and nearing the approach to Bocaue, Lt. Colonel Bugallon asked: "Have the reinforcement arrived?" Too weak to keep his strength any longer due to profuse bleeding, he died on the breast of General Antonio Luna, a few hours after he was withdrawn from the battlefield.
Commander Torres Bugallon's death was a great loss to General Antonio Luna who wept unashamedly before the lifeless body of his comrade-at-arms.
Arrangements were made to bury his remains in Bigaa but it was decided later to inter the corpse at the Malolos cemetery. There a tomb with a modest stone slab marked his final resting place.
Though felled in battle, Bugallon with his gallantry under the very superior enemy firepower, surpassed whatever shortcomings he had in Iris military career. He owed a great debt of gratitude to Spain for his training and education. But his decision to renounce his military allegiance and to join the Filipino Army not only for martial laurels but for the bright future of the land of his birth for which he sacrificed his life, made him a hero, a true Filipino.
To perpetuate his memory, a law sponsored in 1921 by Congressman Mauro Navarro of Pangasinan changed the name of Salasa, the hero's birthplace, to Bugallon.
His remains now lie buried in the Sampalok Church in Manila.
JOSÉ ALEJANDRINO (1870-1951) General, Philippine Army
Jose Alejandrino proved his love of country and great heroism as an engineer and general in the revolutionary army of Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo. Considered an early Filipino chemical engineer, he was born to a wealthy couple from Arayat, Pampanga on December 1, 1870 in Binondo, Manila. His brother, Col. Joaquin Alejandrino, also rendered military service during the Philippine Revolution, assisting Gen. Manuel Tinio.
General Alejandrino obtained his education both here and abroad, initially at the Ateneo Municipal and, thereafter, at the University of Santo Tomas, where he acquired a Bachelor of Arts degree. He pursued his studies in Spain and at the University of Ghent in Belgium, where he distinguished himself and brought honor to his country through his superior academic performance. Edilberto Evangelista, another Filipino engineer who served in the revolutionary army, was his schoolmate in Ghent. In July 1895, he graduated with a degree in chemical engineering.
While in Spain, Alejandrino became an active member of the Propaganda Movement, which strove to secure political reforms in the Philippines from the Spanish government. Together with Eduardo Lete and Dominador Gomez, he joined the editorial staff of La Solidaridad, the mouthpiece of the Propagandists. When the Propagandists decided to hold an election for the leadership of the Filipino community in Spain, two partisan groups emerged. One, in support of Marcelo H. del Pilar, was led by Antonio Luna and included Dominador Gomez, Salvador V. del Rosario and Mariano Ponce. The other group, composed of M. Salvador, Galicano Apacible, B. Roxas and Alejandrino himself, supported Rizal, who eventually won the presidency but gave it up in favor of Del Pilar. Alejandrino and Rizal, who were close friends, were together when the latter had El Filibusterismo, his great sequel to Noli Me Tangere, published. It was Alejandrino bought the manuscript to the printing press.
On November 21,1896, several months after the Philippine Revolution broke out, Alejandrino accompanied by Feliciano Jocson, journeyed to Kawit , Cavite to seek a meeting with General Aguinaldo. Evangelista his old schoolmate at the University of Ghent, had proposed that he acquired the much-needed arms for the revolutionaries from either China or Japan. Alejandrino offered to undertake the dangerous mission. When Aguinaldo accepted his offer, he proceeded to Hong Kong, where he help organized the Revolutionary Council along with Felipe Agoncillo, Jose Basa, and Mariano Ponce. Much later he became part of the group in Hong Kong Committee, which included Agoncillo and Galicano Apacible who staunchly advocated independence, as opposed to the circle led by Jose Basa and Doroteo Cortes, who were for annexing the country to the United States.
From Hong Kong, however, was able to dispatch to the revolutionaries in the Philippines only dynamites and rifle pistons. Thus, in February 1897, he left Hong Kong for Japan, to try to aquifer more weapons and supplies.
In 1898, he served in the Malolos Congress that was first convoked on September 15 by the revolutionary government. He became a member of two crucial committees - the committee on budget, and the committee to draft the Constitution. On September 26, he was given the position of director of agriculture and industry of the revolutionary administration. Later, he was designated chief of the engineers of the army by President Aguinaldo.
When the Philippine-American War erupted, he affiliated with Gen. Antonio Luna and his troops. Subsequently, as chief engineer, he directed the building of trenches in several areas, including Bulacan and Caloocan.
He rose to the position of brigadier-general, and served as acting Secretary of War. He was also appointed commanding general of the military operations in Central Luzon (in place of Gen. Pantaleon Garcia), and military governor of Pampanga, replacing Gen. Maximino Hizon, who had earlier been caught by the enemy. By then the beleaguered government of Aguinaldo had been continuously hounded by the pursuing American forces and pushed backed to Tarlac.
In September 1899, he headed the three- man commission charged with releasing 13 American prisoners and holding talks with General Otis, the commanding general of the American army in the Philippines, on the suspension of hostilities. Lt. Col. Ramon Soriano and Maj. Evaristo Ortiz assisted General Alejandrino. Later he also conferred with Gen. Arthur McArthur, who had replaced Otis as chief of the American forces. The two talked on the brutal, dehumanizing abuse of Filipino civilians by American soldiers. Meanwhile, the revolutionaries' struggle was being debilitated by cowardly Filipinos whom Alejandrino excoriated for treacherously collaborating with the Americans.
In May 1901, after much suffering and the tragic loss of countless comrades in the field, General Alejandrino surrendered, in Arayat, to General Funston. The latter initially refused his offer to surrender and, instead, had him placed under arrest, demanding that he present a certain American Negro, named Fagan, who was wanted for desertion. Although he resisted Funston's demand, Alejandrino was released the next day.
In August of the same year, Alejandrino accepted from Gov. William H. Taft the position of second city engineer of Manila, but discharged his duties for not more than a year. He retired to lead a farmer's life until 1923, when he was designated senator for Sulu and Mindanao by Gov. Gen, Leonard Wood. In 1934, he was elected representative of Pampanga's second district to the Constitutional Convention. He was a member of the Partido Democrata Nacional, which counted among its members Claro M. Recto and Juan Sumulong. He was also one of the founders of the Pan-Orientalist Society.
La Senda del Sacrificio, General Alejandrino's account of the Philippine Revolution against Spain and the Philippine-American War, tells of the noble revolutionaries and the lonely wars, both great and small, that they fought in order to attain the ever-elusive but exalted goal of national freedom. General Alejandrino was among those noble revolutionaries. He died on June 1, 1951.
Larkin, John A. The Pampangans, Colonial Society in a Philippine Province, University of California Press, 1972.
Gwekoh, Sol. “Hall of Fame,” Manila Times, 1965-1966.
Cornejo, M.R. Commonwealth Directory of the Philippines, 1939.
In 1899, the Americans started their invasion of our nation which was just newly born in 1898. Gen. Ricarte, Gen Antonio Luna, Gen Malvar, Gen Alejandrino, Gen Lukban, Gen Sakay, Maj Torres Bugallon and many of our elder warriors led our resistance against the aggressors. 500,000 to 900,000 of us Filipinos died in that resistance. This was the result of that efficient American Imperialistic Depopulation System. It made our resistance weaker to a large extent. With a weaker resistance, the Americans were able to transmit in our education, defense, political, communication and the whole of our developmental system, an Heredity Injuring Virus. The whole of our supposedly inherited developmental system has been replaced by the Americans with a corrupted version. From a fierce defender of our inheritance-- our purity, our newly born nation of 1898, which was cut-off from us, we became worshiping dependents of our invaders.
Today, the American invaders are reaping the benefits of that Heredity Injuring Virus their elder invaders have transmitted to our nation. Today, the corruption of our development has been replicated to further alienate us from our identity. Today, our defense system has turned against us Filipinos who are resisting the foreign invaders. It has become an autodefense disease. Today, our government from one generation to the next serve the needs of our foreign invaders- the Americans in our case. Today, there are fewer of us Filipinos who are still continuing the resistance started by our elder warriors. These are symptoms of the American Imperialism Defilipinization Syndrome.
American invasion still continues. The resistance against the Americans started by our elder warriors has not been concluded yet. Filipinos among us, how long are we going to continue existing with an injured self-respect of a prostitute?
As we continue to disregard our history, the probability of our archipelago becoming ground zero continues to increase. This is the reason why providing our national archive a secured home is the first step and priority.
This is one of the reasons why we need to preserve our national archives as we try to provide it with a more secured building. Our history is documented here.
This is an address dated February 4, 1900 to us the Filipino people by those among us in the Filipino Army, reminding us of the anniversary of outbreak of the Filipino-American War in February 4, 1899. This is written in Tagalog. This is who we were. Since this is our origin, and with the present invasion of the Americans not only of our territory but of our developmental system which covers the whole aspect of our national life including that of our defense, political and economic, this is who we are today.
Today, under a situation in which the Americans are continuing their invasion by their continued control of our nation and by their continued rape of our Filipinas with impunity, this is a reminder of this address to us the Filipino people by soldiers among us in the Filipino Defense system.
This is about paying attention to the statement of the Americans on the failure by the government of the Philippines to check terrorism in Mindanao[1].
It mentioned about the GMA government creating an atmosphere to render potentially restive troops having hands too full.This is a deterrent against their potential to resist the GMA government atrocities.Indeed, if we are GMA, do we not benefit from keeping the hands of troops with history of resistance against anomalous governments, too full to focus on us?
However, there is an additional scenario where the Americans are shown to be benevolently concerned with the "failure" of a supposedly legitimate government of the Philippines to check terrorism.This supposedly benevolent concern warrants their presence.There is nothing wrong with this historical concern, except that:
1) If we are the Americans, have we not alwaysbenefited from "failures" of the Philippines to check military problems?Has not our presence as Americans in the Filipino archipelago provided us with regional military and economic security?
2) If we are the Filipinos, have we not always been the losers?Has not the American presence resulted in the atrophy (biological term for reduction in mass, strength and performance capacity as a result of minimal utilization of potentials) of our defense, political, economic and value systems?Have not the American military exercises in our terrain been providing them with familiarization with, and data of our military assets increasing their capability to operate in our archipelago?Have not these reduced the military value of our inventory of assets that have been supposed to be secret and thus off limits to foreigners, because they are already familiar to the Americans whose invasion of our nation since 1899 have not yet been resolved?Have we not failed in checking the Chinese invasion of our economy as well as other assets starting in the 1900s when the Americans provided them with security?Have we not been able also to check American rape with impunity of our Filipinas?
In fact, the Americans who invaded us in 1899 after we have already been born as a nation in 1898, deliberately replaced all those systems of ours with an apparently Filipino system.But it has been a corrupted version to develop us into failures in recognizing our national identity, in loving and defending that identity and in capacity to be productive as a result.The result has been, alienation from our nation and the worship of our invaders.
We have an inherited nation which has been in the possession of the Americans[2][3] and the Chinese until today.[4][5]It is a matter of us, being aware of it.Then we will finally know were to go—home, to recover it, and possess it.
[2] There are Americans like Capt David Fagen, Mark Twain, Andrew Carnegie and many others who defected on our side or have fought for the rights of nations which their own nation have abused.They are not the enemy but accepted as Filipinos.
[5]There are Chinese or Chinese meztizos in the Philippines such as Herman Tiu Laurel, Alejandro Lichauco and Gen Danilo Lim in the Philippines who: came here with legitimate purpose; fought for the cause of our liberation as a Filipino nation-- they are more Filipinos than the collaborator GMA, the congressmen for sale or Filipino mercenaries in the Armed Forces.