Liberal Nationalism’s Role in the Development of the German Nation-State

by Matthew Burke.pdf (application/pdf Object)

In German history, nationalism is the key to understanding the
people and their history. The problem is that many see German
nationalism as the events leading up to and following National
Socialism, or Nazism. Others ignore the other major events in
Germany’s history or see them as insignificant in comparison. It is
true that Hitler and the Nazis were a major component in German
history and it is impossible to overlook their role in history, not just
in Germany but in the world. But to see the development of
Germany, and more specifically German nationalism, as only
revolving around National Socialism is to ignore the other factors
that influenced their history as a nation. Throughout German
history, other possibilities existed as alternatives to the imperialist and
chauvinist nationalism displayed in the Wilhelmine Era and later
under National Socialism. In contrast, liberalism, the most influential
alternative, had an important role in the development of German
history. The German liberal and progressive tradition formed the
development of a German nation-state in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Liberal and progressive nationalism pervades German history and its

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